Success stories with Innobaix. We spoke with the company DigaliX.

Companies that INNOBAIX drives are varied sectors and this allows us to share many experiences, stories and knowledge. Today we have the pleasure of meeting the innovation, technology and growth plans of the company DigaliX.

Innobaix: We know some who is Toni Mayorgas and what DigaliX. What can you tell us about the two?

Digalix: Its Director, Toni Mayorgas has a path that starts with a degree in Industrial Relations, experience over 10 years in organization and business management to evolve rapidly to leadership roles in the field of ICT and management of innovation projects, to put “on the table”, pun intended, a leading proposal. DigaliX founding in 2008.

Digalix Solutions is a technology-based company formed by a team of experts in large-format audiovisual interaction. Created in 2008, its flagship product is the Mesa Interactiva Multitactil XTable, creation and own production, made in Barcelona. With the philosophy of keeping 100% of the design and manufacture in Catalonia, the development of its products and the creation of new remains as holographic assistants, videomapping Solutions and Internet of Things.

I.: How important is innovation in your industry?

D.: Innovation in the technology sector is key, given the short duration of products, can only continue to provide value if you always spend a high research and innovation rate.

I.: Why do you think that was helpful contact Innobaix?

D.: For us it was a very rewarding experience because it gave us contact with other companies in the area, which has enabled us to evaluate potential employees, business partners and potential customers.

With the help of Innobaix have come to large companies, innovation sessions shared research and financing plans…

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